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BISU representatives attend the opening ceremony of the 2024 FOCAC Summit
Updated: September 13, 2024

Earlier this month, representatives from Beijing International Studies University (BISU) attended the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) held in Beijing.

Professor Li Ning, dean of the School of Middle Eastern Studies at BISU and former Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at Mohammed V University in Morocco, said that it is a great honor for him to attend the opening ceremony on Sept 4. He also emphasized his determination to work harder as a foreign language educator to serve the national strategies and cultivate talents for cultural exchange between China and the world.

Four graduate students from the School of Chinese Culture and Communication at BISU, who also serve as volunteer teachers at the Confucius Institute at Mohammed V University, attended the opening ceremony as well.


BISU's volunteer teachers at the Confucius Institute at Mohammed V University pose for a group photo at the Great Hall of the People.

"Attending the opening ceremony has broadened my horizons. I wish for the flourishing of international Chinese education and the everlasting friendship between China and Africa," said Ge Liang, one of the volunteer teachers.

Ge added that his experience of teaching Chinese in Morocco, where he promoted Chinese language and culture, helped local youth get closer to Chinese language and understand China, and contributed to the deepening of China-Africa friendship.

He said that his experience in Morocco gave him a more realistic and rational understanding of African countries, and he also formed deep friendships with his Moroccan students.


Ge Liang teaches Chinese culture at the local Chinese language teaching site in Rabat, Morocco.

Zheng Shengmei, another volunteer teacher, also shared her thoughts after the event. Participating in such a significant event right after completing her volunteer work in Morocco will have a positive and profound impact on her future studies and career, she said.

She stated that her experience as a volunteer teacher in Morocco allowed her to understand more about and gained valuable experience of overseas Chinese language teaching, and experience North African culture firsthand.

For Wu Sitong, Ge and Zheng's fellow volunteer teacher, the most memorable experience in Morocco was organizing the 2024 Spring Festival Gala at the local Chinese language teaching site. The successful event showcased cultural diversity and conveyed China's openness and inclusiveness, sparking local enthusiasm for learning Chinese.


Organized by Wu Sitong, a volunteer teacher from BISU, a 2024 Spring Festival gala is held at the local Chinese language teaching site in Rabat, Morocco.

Reflecting on his invaluable experience teaching Chinese language and martial arts in Morocco, Song Zhuoqun said he has witnessed vivid testaments to the connections and friendly exchanges between the people of China and Morocco.

With the successful conclusion of the 2024 FOCAC Summit, the BISU representatives who attended the opening ceremony promised to continue to contribute to the cultural exchanges between China and the world.

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