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BISU delegation explores employment partnership in Xiamen to bolster graduate career prospects
Updated: August 24, 2023

Beijing International Studies University (BISU) has been taking proactive steps to boost the employability of its graduates. From August 15 to 16, a delegation led by Zhang Yan, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC BISU Committee and vice-president of the university, headed to Xiamen, a coastal city with a flourishing economy and culture, in East China's Fujian province. They investigated the needs for graduates at key employers and strengthened ties with local enterprises.


Zhang Yan, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC BISU Committee and vice-president of the university

On August 15, Zhang visited the Xiamen Talent Service Center and met with the center's head Bao Weiwen. Zhang provided an overview of the university's talent cultivation and graduate employment status, expressing gratitude for the center's ongoing support. Bao detailed Xiamen's favorable policies for talent attraction and graduate employment. He noted that BISU graduates in such fields as tourism, foreign languages, and international trade are a perfect fit for Xiamen's development.

On August 16, Zhang had a meeting with Chen Yanbin, a member of the leading Party members group of the Xiamen Area of China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone Management Committee, to explore cooperation and ways to boost graduate employment.


Zhang Yan and his delegation pay visits to key enterprises in Xiamen.

Throughout their two-day visit, Zhang and his team visited six key employers, including Xiamen C&D International Travel Service Group and the XMXYG Corporation, leaders in the tourism and shipping industry. These companies showed keen interest in BISU graduates and expressed a willingness to deepen cooperation with the university.

Xiamen, with its high-quality economic development and status as a pioneer in China's reform and opening-up, has a multitude of traditional and emerging high-tech companies. "Through face-to-face communication with a large number of employers, we can fully understand the current talent demand of enterprises and provide suggestions for talent training in our university, so as to help more Xiamen enterprises recruit from BISU, and help Xiamen's economic and social development," said Zhang.

This fruitful trip was made with the help of BISU alumnus Wang Xuwen, who graduated in 2007 with a major in Russian. She made significant contributions to the selection of companies and itinerary planning, ensuring the success of the visit. Zhang conveyed gratitude on behalf of the university, calling on alumni to continue their support for their alma mater and contribute to national economic and social development.

The visit marked a crucial step in strengthening ties between BISU and enterprises in Xiamen, opening doors for further collaboration and exploring employment opportunities for BISU graduates.

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