Research Achievements
Updated: November 9, 2022

To promote international cultural exchanges, BISU will distinguish itself with the enhanced teaching and research of Foreign Languages and Tourism Management as its specialized programs. The university has developed into a multi-disciplinary educational establishment that offers courses in studies of liberal arts, economics, management and law, and has achieved a good number of academic results by promoting “research subjects be local, research methods be international, and research results be applicable”. Since 2011, BISU has undertaken 124 research projects of various levels and types, of which 37 are of national level, 87 are of ministerial or provincial level, and 14 projects were awarded prizes at ministerial or provincial level. In addition, BISU published 344 monographs, textbooks and translated books. It also published a total of 2000 academic research articles of which 727 articles were published in core periodicals, 62 were included in databases such as EI, SI, SSCI, etc., and 228 were of CSSCI indexes.


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